January 13, 2012#

21 Hours and Keynes

21 Hours: Why a shorter working week can help us all flourish in the 21st century [read here] Keynes thought that by the start of the 21st century we will work 15 to 21 hours a week, and we would instead focus on “how to use the freedom from pressing economic cares.” Was his prediction too far-fetched?

January 6, 2012#
January 6, 2012#
January 6, 2012#
January 6, 2012#
January 5, 2012#
January 9, 2011#

Secretary Geithner Sends Debt Limit Letter to Congress

A letter from the Treasury secretary Geithner, who, shortly, tells Congress that the US will default if it does not continue to borrow money. In other words, a confession that the US can’t stop spending, can’t afford to pay for it, and can’t afford not to borrow more!