Experience shows that many students do not read comments made on their writing.
That is certainly within their rights, but it suggests that writing such comments is a poor use of a professor’s time.
In this class, I will respond to your work with a graded rubric (see below), and hope that this offers enough direction for many students. If you would like to receive more feedback, please print out a copy of your essay or discussion forum entry and stop by my office. I am always happy to discuss your writing with you.
Short Papers
Each paper will receive up to 10 points:
Length (0-2 pts)
2 = the minimum specified length reached.
1 = 80% of the minimum specified length reached
Summary (how well you summarized the relevant material: 0-2 pts)
2 = a perfect summary. You captured what was essential to the reading with the fewest number of words possible.
1 = irrelevant details were included, or the essence of the reading was neglected.
0 = the summary needs a complete overhaul.
Discussion (organization and understanding: 0-3 pts)
3 = excellent discussion; enjoyable to read and helpful.
2 = coherent, adequate discussion, possibly with minor problems of organization or understanding.
1 = organizational problems make the discussion difficult to follow, or else it is evident that you’ve seriously misunderstood the reading.
0 = (speaks for itself, alas)
Grammar/Spelling/Mechanics (for the paper as a whole: 0-3)
3 = flawless writing, with neither typos nor misspellings.
2 = one to three errors.
1 = four or more errors.
0 = you need to pay closer attention to what you write.